Release Announcement :A-Plus BarCode PU1 Hot Fix 1

Hi Partner,

We have released SAP BarCode PU1 Hot Fix 1 with below updates:

New Features:
o License check
o Add webservice version label under app version label.

Bug fixed including:

Web Service version 1.1.1
1. Barcode, Inventory Counting, change item bin warehouse to general warehouse, post failed issues fixed.
2. Added additional settings in Barcode WebService Configuration

App Version 1.1.2
1. Barcode with UWP version, not showing loading icon issues fixed.
2. Barcode with IOS version, fixed auto selects date value issues.
3. Barcode, Pick List, fixed scan exceeds batch number quantity, and not clear details page batch number quantity issues.
4. Barcode, Inventory Counting, fixed multiple UoM item number, not showing UoM code in the list issues.
5. Notebook device, Barcode with UWP version, camera button not working issues fixed.

You can download web server from this link → https://autosimply-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/p/mewlin/EeyzD-cPL_dMhs6f2RnmJDEBwC5MEow8fkoqAiRGPhKEDA?e=4NDtvf

Best Regards,
A-Plus Marketing